




I’m really interested to know which Hogwarts house you guys think you’d be...
I’m really interested to know which Hogwarts house you guys think you’d be in. Pottermore sorted me in Gryffindor, although I would much rather be a Hufflepuff.
So yeah, which Hogwarts house would you be in?
a quick self-portrait sketch because I like what I'm...

a quick self-portrait sketch because I like what I'm wearing today.
Things worth remembering.

Things worth remembering.


I really think I should play the next Doctor,by which I mean there is absolutely no reason why I...
I really think I should play the next Doctor,
by which I mean there is absolutely no reason why I should be The Doctor,
but I really want to be, so yeah, someone make it happen.



Official petition for all of you to be friends with me. It doesn’t need signatures....
Official petition for all of you to be friends with me.
It doesn’t need signatures. Let’s just be friends.


I got an ask saying: ”Don’t be to hard on those who assume one is straight. Women who...
I got an ask saying:
”Don’t be to hard on those who assume one is straight. Women who are attracted to me always assume I’m straight, which I am,. Men who where interested in me often assumed I am gay and I’m OK with that too. It’s like a secret wish we hope for. If we never assumed I think we might never have the guts to approach someone that seems so wonderful. Thank for the great blog.”
I won’t publish the ask because it wasn’t on anon, and when it comes down to it, this person was very polite, kind and respectful to me (and honestly, I bet this person is incredibly lovely), so I won’t post their comment publicly without permission, but I have a strong opinion on this subject, and I would like to get it across to as many people as possible, so here it goes.
I know this person means well, but his opinion that it’s okay to assume someone is straight or gay… is one that he has as a straight person. We literally live in a world where most people assume that you’re straight, and everyone acknowledges your sexual orientation as valid if you are.
I, however, do not have that privilege. As a pansexual woman, living in a world where everyone is assumed to be straight makes me feel really shitty because it feels like my sexual orientation is not even acknowledged as valid. I know a lot of other queer people feel differently, and that’s fine (in fact, I’m glad if you don’t feel shitty!), but these are my feelings, and I’m entitled to them.
It’s also worth noting that people often don’t react with respect when they find out I’m not straight. They often act as if I hid things from them, or as if I’m ashamed of myself just because I didn’t make a coming out speech (and a lot of people seem to think this makes me a coward who doesn’t deserve to be respected). I’ve had straight people tell me “I support gay rights, but if you’re too much of a coward to come out, then I don’t support you” as if coming out is something I owe them (plot twist: it’s not).
and you know what? Those shitty things come from years of homophobic and heteronormative attitudes including the fact that we live in a society where everyone is assumed straight unless they make a big “coming out” speech, so yeah, there are genuine shitty consequences to assuming someone is straight, and queer people are the ones stuck dealing with those consequences.
So please, if you’re straight, stop telling queer people how to feel about things such as homophobia and, in this case, heteronormativity.
Finally, I want to mention that someone being interested in you isn’t necessarily dependent on sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is very fluid and complex, so if you want to ask someone out, it’s better to just hope they’re into you as a person than to hope they have a specific sexual orientation.


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